Enio Bonchev has always had a vision about nurturing relationships, aiming to achieve and sustain a balance in the entire supply chain thus creating a sense of community. We feel a natural obligation and responsibility to our farmers, pickers and everyone we work with to pay a fair market price in accordance with their production cost as well as provide support in our constant strive for improvement. Always listening and trying to aid them overcome any difficulties has helped us developing a long- term reliable relationship based on mutual trust and understanding.
Ethical sourcing with respect to people and Biodiversity is part of our DNA.
We have been awarded Gold medal by Ecovadis on Sustainability, reaching score of 74/100, thus placing Enio Bonchev in the top 3% of 100,000+ companies from 175+ countries in 200+ industries.
Enio Bonchev is the first Bulgarian company to be granted membership to UEBT. We are on a journey to advance sourcing practices that:
- promote a world in which all people and biodiversity thrive
- respect all people and biodiversity
- promote regeneration of nature and secure a better future for all people
Our farmers are part of the family. We have created a network of over 70 farmers, scattered throughout the entire Bulgarian Rose valley, with whom we have been successfully working and supporting for 20+ years.
Our pickers are key element to our operation. Roses are hand-picked and every May we need over 300 people to help us collect the harvest. We proudly support all minority groups and individuals with low social status for whom it is difficult to socially integrate and be accepted in the community, constantly searching to find new ways to help and support our local community.
Renovating a local kindergarten, sponsoring the local youth sports team, building a computer center in the nearby village or making a Child Safe Zone at the rose field-- these are some examples of our community beneficial social projects.
Premium quality guaranteed. All our distilleries run on Natural gas and have installed automatic control systems enabling us to exert a more strict conduct of the technological process, eliminate the subjective human error factor, improve production yields as well as perform best possible quality control. In addition, an automatic system for packaging guarantees faster bulk packaging of all our Rose waters with minimum human intervention thus increasing the level of protection from microbiological contamination and guaranteeing sterility.
Enio Bonchev stands out as a value-creating organization, contributing to the reduction of local unemployment rate as well as working hard in increasing the standard of living. We believe that trust and understanding are the key elements to success in business.